• Seachem Gold Basics 50ml

    Seachem Betta Basics 60ml Creates ideal environment for goldfish Removes any chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia Buffers to 7.0 Gold Basics™ is designed to provide the optimal bowl environment for goldfish. Gold Basics™ removes any...
    RRP $8.95
  • Seachem Betta Basics 60ml

    Seachem Betta Basics 60ml Creates ideal environment both bettas and plants Removes any chlorine, chloramine and detoxifies ammonia Buffers to 7.0 Betta Basics™ is designed to provide the optimal environment for both betta and plant. Betta...
    RRP $8.95
  • Seachem Pristine Bonus 325ml

    Seachem Pristine Bonus 325ml Natural organic waste management Rapidly and safely eliminates sludge and detritus Helps increase water clarity Marine and freshwater Pristine™ uses bio-augmentation, a non-chemical and natural method, to improve...
    RRP $36.95
  • On Sale!

    Seachem Phosbond 100ml

    Seachem Phosbond 100ml Rapidly removes phosphate & silicate Ferric oxide coated aluminum oxide phosphate adsorber High porosity and surface area give it a large binding capacity PhosBond™ is a revolutionary new product that combines the...
    Sale $19.00
    RRP $30.95
  • Seachem The Bag 13x25cm

    Seachem The Bag 13x25cm Welded filter bag ideal for all filtration Resealable locking closure 180 micron mesh Holds up to HyperSorb™ and Purigen® regeneration The Bag™ is an innovative welded filter bag with a durable non-stitched...
    RRP $31.95
  • Seachem Purigen 100ml

    Seachem Purigen 100ml Highest organic removal capacity Possesses enhanced capacity owing to its vast surface area; both spherical and macroreticular Helps control ammonia/nitrite/nitrate Color changes as it exhausts; easily regenerated Description...
    RRP $33.95
  • Seachem Liquid Neutral Regulator 250ml

    Seachem Liquid Neutral Regulator 250ml Adjusts pH to neutral (pH 7.0) from either a low or high pH Softens water by precipitating calcium and magnesium Removes chlorine, chloramine, or ammonia Liquid Neutral Regulator® adjusts pH to neutral (pH 7...
    RRP $25.95
  • Seachem Gold Salt 70gm

    Seachem Gold Salt 70gm Creates ideal environment for goldfish Aids in the prevention of nitrite poisoning Gold Salt™ is designed to provide the optimal environment for all goldfish species. The use of Gold Salt™ also aids in the prevention...
    RRP $12.95
  • Seachem Gold Salt 300gm

    Seachem Gold Salt 300gm Creates ideal environment for goldfish Aids in the prevention of nitrite poisoning Gold Salt™ is designed to provide the optimal environment for all goldfish species. The use of Gold Salt™ also aids in the prevention...
    RRP $29.95
  • Seachem Flourish Tabs (10pk)

    Seachem Flourish Tabs (10pk) Gravel bed supplement for the planted aquarium Provides micro elements, trace elements and other nutrients Targets root zone Flourish Tabs™ are growth stimulating tablets for plant roots. They contain essential...
    RRP $29.95
  • Seachem Flourish Potassium 500ml

    Seachem Flourish Potassium 500ml Potassium supplement for the planted aquarium Highly concentrated (50,000 mg/L) Does not contain phosphate or nitrate making it ideal for use with Flourish Nitrogen and Flourish Phosphorus Flourish Potassium™...
    RRP $37.95
  • Seachem Flourish Potassium 250ml

    Seachem Flourish Potassium 250ml Potassium supplement for the planted aquarium Highly concentrated (50,000 mg/L) Does not contain phosphate or nitrate making it ideal for use with Flourish Nitrogen and Flourish Phosphorus Flourish Potassium™...
    RRP $25.95
  • Seachem Flourish Phosphorus 250ml

    Seachem Flourish Phosphorus 250ml Phosphorus supplement for the planted aquarium A safe 4500 mg/L solution of potassium phosphate Takes the guesswork out of phosphate dosing Phosphorus is one of the main three macro nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorous,...
    RRP $24.95
  • Seachem Flourish Phosphorus 100ml

    Seachem Flourish Phosphorus 100ml Phosphorus supplement for the planted aquarium A safe 4500 mg/L solution of potassium phosphate Takes the guesswork out of phosphate dosing Phosphorus is one of the main three macro nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorous,...
    RRP $17.95
  • Seachem Flourish Iron 250ml

    Seachem Flourish Iron 250ml Iron is immobile in plants. This means that plants cannot divert iron from older leaves to new ones. Therefore, deficiency symptoms appear first on new or young leaves. Because plants use iron to produce chlorophyll, a lack...
    RRP $25.95
  • On Sale!

    Seachem Flourish Iron 100ml

    Seachem Flourish Iron 100ml Iron is immobile in plants. This means that plants cannot divert iron from older leaves to new ones. Therefore, deficiency symptoms appear first on new or young leaves. Because plants use iron to produce chlorophyll, a lack...
    Sale $12.00
    RRP $17.95
  • Seachem Flourish Glue 8g

    Seachem Flourish Glue 8g Cyanoacrylate adhesive No more thread, no more weights Bonds within seconds Can be used underwater Flourish Glue™ is a superior cyanoacrylate gel for attaching moss and plants to rocks, driftwood, and even gravel...
    RRP $22.95
  • Seachem Flourish Advance 100ml

    Seachem Flourish Advance 100ml Natural phytohormone supplement for the planted aquarium Dramatically stimulates the growth of both roots and shoots in aquatic plants Enhances mineral absorption and improves disease resistance Flourish Advance™...
    RRP $23.95
  • Seachem Flourish Advance 250ml

    Seachem Flourish Advance 250ml Natural phytohormone supplement for the planted aquarium Dramatically stimulates the growth of both roots and shoots in aquatic plants Enhances mineral absorption and improves disease resistance Flourish Advance™...
    RRP $33.95
  • Seachem Discus Buffer 50g

    Seachem Discus Buffer 50g Adjusts pH to 5.8 - 6.8 Helps to replicate the ideal Discus environment Use with Neutral Regulator® to target a pH Discus Buffer® helps to replicate the ideal Discus environment (low pH & low GH (General...
    RRP $13.95