• Seachem Renew 500ml

    Seachem Renew 500ml Phosphate-free carbon substitute High pore # for maximum organic removal Ideal to use in planted tank or marine tank - does not leach phosphate No impact on trace minerals and important nutrients Renew™ is ideal for use in...
    RRP $28.95
  • Seachem Denitrate 2L

    Seachem Denitrate 2L Removes nitrates, nitrites, ammonia, and organics High porosity biological media Pore size well suited for anaerobic bacteria No danger of hydrogen sulfide production as with sulfur based media de*nitrate™ is an economical,...
    RRP $86.95
  • On Sale!

    Seachem Phosbond 100ml

    Seachem Phosbond 100ml Rapidly removes phosphate & silicate Ferric oxide coated aluminum oxide phosphate adsorber High porosity and surface area give it a large binding capacity PhosBond™ is a revolutionary new product that combines the...
    Sale $19.00
    RRP $30.95
  • Seachem The Bag 13x25cm

    Seachem The Bag 13x25cm Welded filter bag ideal for all filtration Resealable locking closure 180 micron mesh Holds up to HyperSorb™ and Purigen® regeneration The Bag™ is an innovative welded filter bag with a durable non-stitched...
    RRP $31.95
  • Seachem Purigen 100ml

    Seachem Purigen 100ml Highest organic removal capacity Possesses enhanced capacity owing to its vast surface area; both spherical and macroreticular Helps control ammonia/nitrite/nitrate Color changes as it exhausts; easily regenerated Description...
    RRP $33.95
  • Seachem Purigen 500ml

    Seachem Purigen 500ml  Highest organic removal capacity Possesses enhanced capacity owing to its vast surface area; both spherical and macroreticular Helps control ammonia/nitrite/nitrate Color changes as it exhausts; easily regenerated ...
    RRP $102.95
  • Seachem Purigen 250ml

    Seachem Purigen 250ml Highest organic removal capacity Possesses enhanced capacity owing to its vast surface area; both spherical and macroreticular Helps control ammonia/nitrite/nitrate Color changes as it exhausts; easily regenerated Description...
    RRP $56.95
  • Seachem Phosguard 500ml

    Seachem Phosguard 500ml Removes silicate and phosphate Spherical for optimal hydrodynamics Irreversible binding PhosGuard™ rapidly removes phosphate and silicate from marine and freshwater aquaria. It is not recommended for phosphate buffered...
    RRP $42.95
  • Seachem Phosguard 250ml

    Seachem Phosguard 250ml Removes silicate and phosphate Spherical for optimal hydrodynamics Irreversible binding PhosGuard™ rapidly removes phosphate and silicate from marine and freshwater aquaria. It is not recommended for phosphate buffered...
    RRP $24.95
  • Seachem Phosguard 100ml

    Seachem Phosguard 100ml Removes silicate and phosphate Spherical for optimal hydrodynamics Irreversible binding PhosGuard™ rapidly removes phosphate and silicate from marine and freshwater aquaria. It is not recommended for phosphate buffered...
    RRP $19.95
  • Seachem Denitrate 500ml

    Seachem Denitrate 500ml  Removes nitrates, nitrites, ammonia, and organics High porosity biological media Pore size well suited for anaerobic bacteria No danger of hydrogen sulfide production as with sulfur based media de*nitrate™ is an...
    RRP $25.95
  • Seachem Denitrate 250ml

    Seachem Denitrate 250ml Removes nitrates, nitrites, ammonia, and organics High porosity biological media Pore size well suited for anaerobic bacteria No danger of hydrogen sulfide production as with sulfur based media de*nitrate™ is an...
    RRP $14.95
  • Seachem Denitrate 1L

    Seachem Denitrate 1L Removes nitrates, nitrites, ammonia, and organics High porosity biological media Pore size well suited for anaerobic bacteria No danger of hydrogen sulfide production as with sulfur based media de*nitrate™ is an economical,...
    RRP $46.95
  • Seachem Denitrate 100ml Bagged

    Seachem Denitrate 100ml Bagged  Removes nitrates, nitrites, ammonia, and organics High porosity biological media Pore size well suited for anaerobic bacteria No danger of hydrogen sulfide production as with sulfur based media de*nitrate™ is...
    RRP $10.95
  • Seachem Renew 250ml

    Seachem Renew 250ml Phosphate-free carbon substitute High pore # for maximum organic removal Ideal to use in planted tank or marine tank - does not leach phosphate No impact on trace minerals and important nutrients Renew™ is ideal for use in...
    RRP $16.95
  • Seachem Acid Regulator 250g

    Seachem Acid Regulator 250g Adjusts pH to the acidic range (4.5 – 5.5) Softens water by precipitating calcium and magnesium Use with Neutral Regulator® to target a pH Acid Regulator™ adjusts pH to the acidic range (4.5–5.5) and...
    RRP $27.95