Are Automatic Fish Feeders Good?

Automatic fish feeders can be a useful tool for some aquarium owners, but whether they are "good" depends on your specific needs and circumstances. Here are some pros and cons to consider:


1. Consistent Feeding: Automatic fish feeders can provide consistent and timely feedings for your fish, even when you are away or unable to feed them manually.

2. Reduced Dependency: If you have a busy schedule or frequently travel, an automatic feeder can reduce your dependency on others to feed your fish.

3. Portion Control: Many automatic feeders allow you to set the portion size, preventing overfeeding and maintaining water quality.

4. Prevents Food Waste: With precise feeding amounts, there is less chance of uneaten food accumulating in the tank, which can lead to water quality issues.

5. Ideal for Some Fish: Some fish species, like certain catfish or bottom-feeders, may prefer eating at night when the tank lights are off. An automatic feeder can cater to their feeding schedule.


1. Limited Food Variety: Automatic feeders are typically designed for dry, pellet, or flake foods. If your fish require live or frozen foods, an automatic feeder won't be suitable.

2. Mechanical Issues: Some automatic feeders may experience mechanical failures, leading to underfeeding or overfeeding, which can be harmful to fish.

3. Battery Dependence: Most automatic feeders run on batteries, so you need to ensure they have fresh batteries or a power backup to avoid interruptions in feeding.

4. Fish Feeding Behaviour: Some fish enjoy the interaction and enrichment of being fed by their owners. An automatic feeder might take away this interactive aspect of fishkeeping.

5. Monitoring: While automatic feeders can be reliable, it's essential to periodically check their performance and ensure they are functioning correctly.

Overall, automatic fish feeders can be beneficial for certain situations, such as short-term travel or when you need consistent feedings on a strict schedule. However, they are not suitable for all types of fish and should not replace regular observation and care for your aquarium. Before using an automatic feeder, research its compatibility with your fish species and invest in a quality product to reduce the risk of mechanical issues.